Going Through a Divorce? We Can Help


Our experienced divorce attorneys know that unfortunately not all marriages work out until death do you part. Going through a divorce, custody battle, or other litigation involving marriage is often one of the most stressful experiences of someone’s life. Our divorce attorneys will give personal attention to your case, to provide you with peace of mind and results that count. We pride ourselves on being honest, reliable, and committed to your case.


Divorce Services We Provide

Danks and Danks has decades of experience handling all aspects of divorce law. Our knowledge of the local courts and laws allows us to tailor case strategies for our clients to ensure the greatest chance of success in reaching your legal objectives.

Our Divorce Attorneys have decades of experience with:

Alimony and Spousal Support: In certain circumstances you may be entitled to support during the pendency of your divorce and even after the divorce is finalized. Our firm has experience litigating the various factors the court will consider in granting Alimony/Spousal Maintenance and in maximizing the amount and length of time the order will apply.

Asset and Debt Division: In all divorce cases, marital property and debts will need to be divided and distributed. Contrary to popular belief, this does not always mean a 50/50 split. From multi-million dollar divorces to working class families, our attorneys will fight to ensure you receive all that you are entitled to under the law.

Business Owner Divorce: Owning your own business can present many unique factors in a divorce. Not only will the monetary evaluation of your business be at issue, but potentially issues of control of the business, and in rare cases even liquidation of the business. Our attorneys have experience litigating complex business divorces, and in particularly complex cases our firm has dedicated business litigation attorneys that can join your legal team to ensure your business interests are protected.

Child Custody: Child custody is often the most highly contested issue in a divorce with children, and the number one concern of our clients. Custody determines the ability to make medical, educational, and religious decisions and the amount of parenting time you will spend with your children. When the stakes are this high, you need legal representation you can rely on, and our divorce attorneys have the experience and track record of success that you need.

Child Support: In all divorce cases with children, a child support order must be entered by the Court. Our attorneys have experience litigating a variety of factors the courts will consider when determining child support.

Modifications of Past Orders: Most modifications of divorce orders involve matter of child custody, parenting time, and child support. Each type of modification can require a different legal standard, and our attorneys can tailor your case strategy to give you the greatest chance of success.

Our Relationship with Our Clients Sets Us Apart

At Danks & Danks, our divorce attorneys understand that calling an attorney to deal with some of the most personal issues in your life can be a difficult choice. Our Attorneys strive to make sure that our clients feel that from the day Danks and Danks takes your case, the worst is already over, and that we are here to solve and fix your problems. We work hard to provide compassionate and effective representation that gives you both peace of mind and confidence in your case. We believe in educating our clients and making sure they understand the proceedings and how the decisions they make will impact their lives and their case. Danks and Danks believes that an educated client with whom we share a strong relationship is our greatest asset in court. Our experience and skill as litigators and negotiators help us deliver the best possible results for our clients, and we are proud of the long record of success we have built over the years on behalf of our clients.

Danks & Danks -Your Trusted Advocates in Divorce Cases.